Category: News

Hrs is excited to talk with android developers at droidcon dubai

We are really excited to be a part of droidcon Dubai and to present our latest open source project called FillTheForm. We have developed a tool that uses the power of Accessibility Service in order to make the app development and testing easier. EditText fields are essential part of many apps because they allow the users…

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Shazam is excited to talk with android developers at droidcon dubai

In this talk Savvas Dalkitsis will be discussing advanced git techniques, how you can utilize different branching strategies to achieve a rapid workflow depending on the structure of your team (and demonstrating the branching strategy the Android team uses at Shazam), followed by an assortment of ‘hacks’, or useful tricks, that allow you to optimize the way…

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Hey Android fans! How would you like a free ticket to droidcon Dubai this year? If you help us set things up the day before the conference, and give us a hand on the Friday and Saturday  you’ll get free entry to this amazing event – and our everlasting gratitude, of course! Not a bad deal, even…

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